Thinking in Yesterday’s.

Image via Hair Silver

Amongst a new found adoration for The Weeknd’s album, and a (definitely not new) love for the actual weekend, there’s a new tune on repeat in my little head at the moment.

It goes something like this: min. effort, max. effect.

I’m convinced there’s a sort of profound escrow, like an upside down u-shape of effort vs output. We think that more time, more reflection, more effort and energy will result in something better, bigger, grander – something to be ‘more prouder’ of. (That is terrible English, and I’m not sure prouder is even a word, but you get me.)

It’s a joke, because this incessant perjury of ‘perfectionism’ is really quite paralysing.

How many things are put off, delayed, revisited, re-discussed, redone or still left untouched because it’s still not 4000% perfect?

While I always thought a messy bun looked better than a structured ballerina one anyway, I’m learning real quick, that done, is more often than not, better than perfect.

I’m also learning with this finite schedule, that shit needs to get done. Yesterday.

Today my food for thought is this delicious nugget: don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.

We’re done now.

Imperfect, but done.



The Price is Time.

Are you getting value for the price?

Time, it’s the only thing that everyone has equal amounts of. Interesting thought hey!

Jay-Z can’t buy time at the Rolex flagship store, and Macklemore sure can’t get it for 99 cents at the thrift shop. Beiber can’t hustle more with his angelic voice (joking) and I certainly cant find it at the St. Kilda Night Market.

Everyone gets the same amount. But how come some people get so much done in one day?

Well I recently met my Fairy Godmother in a dream, she said bibbity-boppity-boo and now I magically have so much more time! 

She gave me a magical tool to use, it’s called a to-do list. And guess what, she said you can use it too, if you want.

Honestly, get yourself some A4 Reflex paper (preferably coloured), go all out with a scented gel pen (preferably glittered), and start jotting down an all-inclusive to-do list!

There is possibly nothing better than crossing a huge-ass line through a to-do list item, so let that motivation drive you.

And that’s my lesson on “How to get shit done 2.0” by Sheona Bello.