Just roll with it.

There’s something about leading a hectic lifestyle that makes a person effective, and I once heard that “if you want something done, give it to a busy person’. As we speak, my schedule is full to the brim with 3 jobs, … Continue reading

“I got the MAGIC in me” – B.O.B


I’m sure you’ve all heard about the power of affirmations, and if you haven’t I’ll help a brother out.

Now, I won’t go all strong incense burning, new age spiritual counselor with bad breath and extra long hair on you, but basically, it is a common held belief that “you become your thoughts”.

For example:

“The Monash is going to be SO packed this morning”.

“There’s NO way I’m gonna get a park at Chadstone tonight”.

“The lines are going to be TOO long at the Night Noodle Market”.

“I can NEVER resist going to 7 Apples when I go to St. Kilda”

“I’m NOT going to be able to fit into the Bardot short shorts I bought last summer”

Each of these bad boys are exactly that, BAD BOYS. And although many of us totally batted for Ryan over Seth on the O.C purely because he was “bad”, I can assure you that looking/saying/repeating/talking/listening/re-instating/thinking/believing/raving (everyone loves a good rave #discolyf) these thoughts, will 100% make them true…for you. And that would be quite, well, bad.

So as Hilary Duff sung from the top of her lungs: “why not, take a crazy chance, why not do a crazy dance”, and maybe start chiming to some different bells.

I completely agree that stating “I have the body of Candace Swanepoel”may be unbelievable in the present, when clearly you’re not currently repping a Victoria’s Secret rig. So let’s take baby steps.

Try: “I CAN get a HD in Principles of Macro”, “I CAN get up at 6am for Crossfit”, “I can……DO WHAT I WANT”.

The word “can” is extremely powerful, I think Ghandi even told me one time, that it opens the mind to opportunities and events that would otherwise lie dormant, ready for someone “lucky” like Oprah or the winner of Australia’s Next Top Model to snap up.

Same goes for “can’s” evil twin sister, “can’t”, with this gem, you essentially cut off any chances you had with whatever it was you were thinking. I vote that you remove that 4-letter syllable from your vocab immediately!

Soon enough your confidence in “I CAN”, will lead to the assurance that “I AM”, and then, you my friend, very much will be….X.

So, what story are you going to tell yourself today?

P.S. Even the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air knows what’s up. Get around him!